Green tea with blueberries and sports: 4 reasons to include it in your diet
Reading time: 6 minutes
Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world. Nearly two billion people in more than 125 countries drink it every year.
Its health benefits are numerous and have been the subject of several studies. Slimming, stimulating, hydrating and regenerating, tea benefits everyone, even athletes.
Here are 4 reasons why, the athlete that you are, should drink more tea-based infusions.
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Say goodbye to energy drinks that are way too sweet and caffeinated. Instead, say hello to tea-based infusions !
When the time comes to have more energy for a sports activity, the temptation to have coffee or an energy drink is great .
However, did you know that drinking blueberry green tea instead of an energy drink is much more beneficial for your health and allows you to be invigorated as much?
This is because energy drinks usually contain too much sugar and caffeine for your needs.
Instead, tea-based brews give you longer-lasting and naturally uplifting effects.
Why ? Thanks to theine. This molecule present in tea resembles that of caffeine from coffee. Both provide stimulating effects on your body.
However, the way your body assimilates them differs. Unlike caffeine, the effects of theine are less immediate and less intense. The tannins present in tea slow down the effect of caffeine on the body.
Rather, it spreads more slowly and over a longer period. This means that its stimulating effects are longer lasting within your body.
This is perfect for practicing endurance and long-lasting sports, such as walking or skiing.
Which tea contains more theine? In fact, the color of the latter has no or at least very little influence on its caffeine content. This would actually depend on the nature of the tea and the time of its harvest.
For us, blueberry black tea is the richest in theines. It is therefore the one that will provide the most significant effects.
Water, an essential ingredient for life.
The body needs a large supply of water if we want it to function at the top of its performance, both intellectually and physically. No wonder, because our body is made up of 80-85% water.
During periods of intense effort or prolonged stress, our body loses a lot of water. Result: you risk being dehydrated. Drinking water to avoid this situation therefore becomes essential.
For many, drinking water on a regular basis is a real challenge. We do not appreciate the taste of water and we often forget to take it.
Do you recognize yourself? Are you reluctant to take “ordinary” water or are you looking for a way to get used to drinking more water?
Hot infusions such as herbal teas, teas or even rooibos are excellent alternatives to pure water.
Consumed after sport, they help the body to drain toxins and recover better. Consuming tea on a regular basis also allows you to lose sales (see below)!
Do you not like the taste of tea? Opt for the blueberry rooibos ! Rooibos has no caffeine and contains wild blueberries. As a result, it is rich in antioxidants and particularly rich in minerals and trace elements. Perfect for helping our body to rebalance itself.

Are you concerned about your weight and want to reach or maintain your healthy weight? Know that green tea can help you.
Indeed, a meta-analysis, carried out on 11 studies, shows that the catechins of green tea would contribute to weight loss and its maintenance, in particular during moderate physical activity [ 1 ] .
Although some of these analyzes conclude that the effects are rather limited for general fat loss, the impacts are significant at the level of localized loss, such as that located in the belly.
Why does tea help you lose weight and lose belly fat? Thanks to the catechins present in blueberries and in tea.
What are catechins?
Catechins are very important antioxidants that give green tea leaves their bitterness. A green tea leaf would contain between 15% and 30%. The blueberry, present in our infusions, also contains this type of antioxidant. According to the ORAC index, the blueberry would be among the best fruit in terms of antioxidant.

Why do the catechins present in tea allow you to lose weight or lose belly fat?
Each green tea leaf contains 3% to 4% theine. Mixed with blueberry polyphenol, the catechins contained in the drink would have several effects on our organism.
First, it would limit the absorption of fatty acids in the stomach and carbohydrates, which reduces calorie intake.
Indeed, the consumption of bitter drinks such as tea reduces our taste for sweet and high-fat foods.
Then, these catechins would increase our energy expenditure by stimulating the metabolism of our body. More energy expenditure means fewer calories.
Finally, this antioxidant in addition to having a preventive effect on certain diseases and certain cancers, it would also help to distribute the fat absorbed by the body, especially in the belly.
If you regularly consume this drink, you will find that your waistline will reduce.
The basis of bodybuilding is muscle building.
It is through this biological mechanism that you can define your size and gain muscle mass.
The anabolic hormone and muscle building
The anabolic hormone is a molecule produced by your body that tells the organs to accept molecules to repair or build your muscle tissue.
During training, your rate of anabolic hormones increases, but also that of cortisol. However, cortisol (hormone associated with stress) limits or even cancels the effects of the anabolic hormone.
Without this hormone, tissue repair and building is delayed, which harms your muscle building.
Regular consumption of blueberry black tea lowers cortisol levels in your body more quickly.
Thus, the body can initiate muscle building more quickly.
In summary, why drink tea when you are athletic?
Blueberry tea is an excellent antioxidant thanks to its high polyphenol content, especially catechin. Drinking blueberry tea can:
- Naturally stimulate your body due to theine , which gives you the energy you need to ensure a sports session.
- Stay hydrated for better performance
- Facilitate weight loss, by reducing your taste for high-calorie foods and increasing your energy expenditure.
- Gain muscle mass more easily , since tea helps reduce cortisol levels more quickly and thus improve muscle mass gain.
Finally, if you want to maximize your sports performance, we recommend our blueberry teas. Why are wild blueberry green tea and wild blueberry black tea better than other teas? Blueberry.
Present in significant quantities, the blueberry also contains powerful antioxidants including catechin.